Friday, October 23, 2009

Recipes for October 12

Freekeh stuffed peppers with Heirloom tomato-pepper sauce
Cook freekeh (lebanese toasted grain): 1 c freekeh. to 1.5 c liquid. Sautee freekeh in olive oil and S & P briefly, add water or stock, bring to a boil, cover and lower heat to lowest possible. Listen for silence, and it should be done absorbing liquid. Remove from heat & Fluff.
Make Sauce: Toss tomatoes into salted boiling water for 1 minute. Pull out, skin, chop.
Sautee lots of onions, garlic, a few peppers, S & P, and some fennel seed. Add tomatoes when onions are soft. Cook over medium heat for about a half hour. Sauce should get thinner then reduce to get tastier and thicker.
Mix half the sauce with the freekeh. You could add goat cheese to the mixture if you wish.
Cut tops off peppers, gently pull out seeds. Stuff freekeh mixture in and pop into a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or a half hour, depending on how soft you like them.
Serve with sauce on top.

Sauteed Kale & Chard with caramelized onions
Clean & Stem greens. Chard stems should be used, chopped small. Slice lots of onions really thin. Sautee on medium heat in olive oil for a long time, until soft. Add S & P, and a large drizzle of molasses.

Mixed lettuces with beets and apples in a Dijon vinaigrette.
Clean and dry your lettuce well but gently. Wrap in kitchen towels inside a plastic bag in the fridge for best storage.
Cook beets in foil in a 400 degree oven for an hour. Cool & skin. Slice. marinate in dressing.
Slice apples at the last minute or generously cover in lemon juice.
Vinaigrette: Mix a spoonful of dijon mustard, a drizzle of honey or apricot jam, white wine vinegar & finely chopped shallots. Whisk in olive oil.

White Bean Puree with Sage
Soak beans overnight. Change water and cook for an hour with a few whole peeled garlic cloves, some fresh sage leaves and S&P. When beans are soft, blend with a bit of the cooking liquid, plenty of olive oil, and more sage if necessary.

Wealth Underground Farm donated the tomatoes, kale, peppers and beets.
Urban Gleaners/Sea Change Gallery donated the lettuce, apples and chard.
Ariana was my helper. Thank you!

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