Friday, April 15, 2011

Some shots & recipes from the Ten Minute Meal at Farm School

Thanks to Nolan and Molly for Farm School, and to Jen, for your assistance

CousCous Pilaf with Two Sauces
Coat a cup of couscous with a little olive oil, using your fingers
Add salt & pepper, and any other spice you might want, plus a tablespoon or so of dried currants
Pour a cup of boiling water or stock on top and cover

Meanwhile, make sauces

Tahini sauce:
Puree a dollop of tahini, a Tbsp. mustard, juice from 1-2 lemons, a garlic clove, an inch of ginger, S & P

Peanut Sauce:
Mix a half cup of peanut butter, a dash of soy sauce, a Tbsp brown sugar, juice of 1-2 limes, a squish of chili sauce, and a 1/4 cup hot water

By now your couscous is done- fluff with a fork, add some toasted nuts and a cup of spinach or other green. Mix and serve with sauce(s) on top, and cilantro or parsley for garnish

One-Minute Mayo
In a food processor, blend one room temperature egg, a tsp mustard, a garlic clove, a squeeze of lemon juice, S & P, plus 1/4 c olive oil
Whilst blending, drizzle about 3/4 cup olive oil, or until thickened- you'll hear the machine change its tone

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